In September 2016, Trout Unlimited in coordination with the Lyme Redwood Timber Company, the Nature Conservancy, and Blencowe Watershed Management designed and installed instream 13 large streamside conifers with their rootmasses intact. To implement this pilot project, an excavator and bulldozer were used to uproot and topple large conifers (mostly redwood) into the channel within the existing 10-mile South Fork Ten Mile project area. © Trout Unlimited
In September 2016, Trout Unlimited in coordination with the Lyme Redwood Timber Company, the Nature Conservancy, and Blencowe Watershed Management designed and installed instream 13 large streamside conifers with their rootmasses intact. To implement this pilot project, an excavator and bulldozer were used to uproot and topple large conifers (mostly redwood) into the channel within the existing 10-mile South Fork Ten Mile project area. © Trout Unlimited