Eel River – South Fork Restoration Redwood Creek

Restoration Stories

Redwood Creek Low-Flow Monitoring. Under a Wildlife Conservation Board Streamflow Enhancement grant, Salmonid Restoration Federation’s flow monitor was able to start streamflow monitoring in May 2019, in order to capture the spring recession in this exceptional water year when the North Coast was showered with late spring rains. Despite high rains late into the season, flows plummeted to mere gallons per minute in early September, rebounded slightly after the September rains, and have since plateaued. Stillwater Sciences has been conducting stream channel assessments that have helped us understand at what flows the creeks reconnect and allow for fish migration. We are seeing lots of juvenile salmon and prioritizing restoration projects that could enhance flows in Redwood Creek. To help residents be aware of current flows, SRF has maintained a large painted sign on the Briceland Road that is updated after monitoring to indicate the flow level. There is an interactive graph on the SRF website that shows the dates and flows for each monitoring visit as well as comparative graphs for other monitoring years. Flow monitoring is being conducted by Katrina Nystrom, an HSU Environmental Science and Management graduate student and former flow monitor for Sanctuary Forest. Learn More © Salmon Restoration Federation