Green Valley Creek Off-Channel Habitat – Habitat Conservation – NOAA Fisheries Video Gallery. Only a few populations of Coho salmon remain in the Russian River tributary and one of them is in Green Valley Creek, where habitat restoration has taken place and is now being used as a model for other landowners. An off-channel habitat project was implemented consisting of 330 linear feet (0.063 miles), 15,957 cubic feet of off-channel habitat for a typical storm event; 77,490 cubic feet of off-channel habitat at annual peak flow storm event. The created habitat area is 15,308 square feet (0.35 acre). 1,295 native riparian plants (trees, shrubs and wetland species) were planted, in addition to extensive willow sprigging throughout the bank area on inlet and outlet. 52 pieces of large wood were incorporated into 14 structures.
Green Valley Creek Off-Channel Habitat
Restoration Stories