In Baker Creek, a tributary to the Mattole River, US Bureau of Land Management, Sanctuary Forest, Mattole Salmon Group, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and USFWS – worked to restore off-channel connectivity in the fall of 2012. Disconnected pools provided marginal habitat for rearing juvenile steelhead. When the project was completed in mid-October, surface flow returned, immediately filling the newly created pools despite no rainfall. View more before and after photos. © BLM Arcata Field Office
In Baker Creek, a tributary to the Mattole River, US Bureau of Land Management, Sanctuary Forest, Mattole Salmon Group, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and USFWS – worked to restore off-channel connectivity in the fall of 2012. Disconnected pools provided marginal habitat for rearing juvenile steelhead. When the project was completed in mid-October, surface flow returned, immediately filling the newly created pools despite no rainfall. View more before and after photos. © BLM Arcata Field Office