San Vicente Creek Restoration I

Restoration Stories

The Upper San Vicente Creek Backwater Enhancement ProjectThe Upper San Vicente Creek Backwater Enhancement Project reconnected the backwater area with the main channel of San Vicente Creek, by creating a series of step pools within a backwater complex, and connecting to a side-channel tributary to ensure adequate flow and temperature. This project improves winter refuge and summer rearing habitat for coho and steelhead. This San Vicente Creek project was completed in 2010 in partnership with the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, State Coastal Conservancy, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, State Water Resources Control Board, US Bureau of Land Management, The Nature Conservancy, and the Trust for Public Land. © RCD of Santa Cruz County
The Upper San Vicente Creek Backwater Enhancement Project reconnected the backwater area with the main channel of San Vicente Creek, by creating a series of step pools within a backwater complex, and connecting to a side-channel tributary to ensure adequate flow and temperature. This project improves winter refuge and summer rearing habitat for coho and steelhead. Partner collaboration is instrumental to restoration success. This San Vicente large wood project was completed in 2011 with support from the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, State Coastal Conservancy, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, State Water Resources Control Board, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Bureau of Land Management and the Trust for Public Land. © RCD of Santa Cruz County