After Cedar Creek Fish Passage Restoration: A time-lapse view of restoration work in Cedar Creek, a spawning tributary for chinook salmon, coho salmon and steelhead in the Smith River Watershed. This barrier to fish passage was replaced with a bridge in the fall of 2007. Steelhead and salmon can now reach vital spawning habitat above the old culvert. © Thomas B. Dunklin and Zack Larson for the Smith River Alliance
After Cedar Creek Fish Passage Restoration: A time-lapse view of restoration work in Cedar Creek, a spawning tributary for chinook salmon, coho salmon and steelhead in the Smith River Watershed. This barrier to fish passage was replaced with a bridge in the fall of 2007. Steelhead and salmon can now reach vital spawning habitat above the old culvert. © Thomas B. Dunklin and Zack Larson for the Smith River Alliance