Yuba River Restoration III

Restoration Stories

Yuba River Canyon Restoration Project. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Restoration Program in partnership with ESA will implement The Yuba River Canyon Project to increase spawning success and enhance juvenile rearing of the Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon. The project, funded by USFWS through the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program, will also benefit the Central Valley steelhead distinct population segment and the Central Valley fall-run Chinook salmon ESU. The current condition of the project site inhibits the natural meander of the river and reduces the quality of salmon spawning habitat. The topographic manipulation and spawning gravel replenishment activities will increase the quality and availability of spawning areas for salmonids by providing increased areas with spawning gravels within the appropriate size range; increasing availability of spawning habitat; improving gravel permeability and water quality; and decreasing the likelihood of redd (nest) superimposition. Learn more here and here. © South Yuba River Citizens League